Putting Your Document Together

Collections Management/Development Policies come in various formats and sizes, depending on the size of the institution. This module presents a basic outline of typical elements found in collections management policies across the country. As you complete your policy you should also focus on ways to make your policy a “living document” for your institution. By becoming a living document, your policy will take its place as one of the guiding documents of your institution.


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Practical Exercise

Utilizing the Policy Writing Progress Report, as a group, analyze the progress your institution has made in regards to completing or updating your report. Use this as an opportunity to discuss goals for completion.

Policy Writing Progress Report.pdf

  • What sections need to be completed?
  • Who is responsible for finishing these sections?
  • How can you assist with completing the sections as a team?
  • Do you have goals and deadlines set to complete the policy?
  • Are there sections you are struggling to complete?
  • Do you need the assistance of the board or director to complete the policy?

Discussion Questions
As a group discuss the progress of your policy:

  • How have you managed to complete your policy?
  • How will you create/form and continue partnerships with others you have developed while working on your policy?

Utilizing the game spinner have each participant take a turn at the spinner.  Read the question or topic to the group and discuss among the group. Use examples from your policy or institution.


Online Resources
Alaska State Museums – Policies, Plans and Procedural Documents (.pdf)

Things Great and Small: Collections Management Policies by John E. Simmons – Policy or Procedure (.pdf)

American Alliance of Museums, Developing a Collections Management Policy: http://www.aam-us.org/docs/default-source/continuum/developing-a-cmp-final.pdf?sfvrsn=4